Franchise Confidential: The Dark Side of the Industry
How to avoid being ripped off when buying a franchise
Why Minimum Monthly Fees Should Be Outlawed in Franchising
Elite Franchise Magazine Article - The importance of the pilot branch
Don’t sign a franchise agreement without having a face-to-face meeting.
A horror story of franchisor fraudsters.
Minimum franchise performance clauses are bad for franchising.
The Franchising Haven
How to prevent the comfort zone from causing franchise disputes.
Franchise disputes – The reasons they occur and how to avoid or resolve them.
Is Mandatory Mediation the Future for Resolving Franchise Disputes?
The most difficult job for a franchisor – franchisee selection
“Franchising is a rocky road full of broken hearts”
How franchisees can minimise legal costs and succeed in a franchise dispute.
Misleading financial projections - the inside story
How a franchisee can reduce the legal cost of resolving a franchise dispute.
How a franchisee can win a franchise dispute.
Takeovers and management buyouts can cause franchise disputes.
Franchisors who over-control are asking for trouble.
How to win a franchise dispute